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The Montessori atmosphere for 2-3 year olds

"The essence of independence is being able to do something for yourself." Maria Montessori
Montessori for toddlers

The kindergarten welcomes children aged 2 to 4 years. The class size is small in order to allow an individualized approach and support for each child. This small staff allows to create a content and reassuring atmosphere where two educators are present on a daily basis. Their role is to guarantee the physical and psychological safety of the young child within an environment carefully considered and refined over the observations collected.

The purpose of this work is that everyone can act with autonomy within the environment and can find answers to their needs. One of the fundamental points of the educational positioning is that each one is to be considered in his individuality. The school is surrounded by an environment rich in socio-cultural diversity. The different personalities are considered to enrich daily life while ensuring respect for the group and the place. Parents are asked to invest the life of this structure and are considered as partners of professionals, linked by common values ​​(listening to others, not judging others, respecting the well-being of all …). Benevolence is one of the fundamental values.

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Our educational project

One of the fundamental axes of Montessori pedagogy is the autonomy of the child as a whole (motor, affective, social, cognitive). According to specialists, autonomy is "learning the ability to conduct oneself". Our educators prepare an environment adapted to your child so that he can develop and experiment independently. The objective is to enable the child to better understand the reality that surrounds him and then to be an actor.
The material is essentially sensory in order to respond to its modes of operation. The word “work” is very present in our words with the child. This term also conveys the value of effort. When the child performs an experiment, he requires many skills, such as learning to focus on a task hence the word "work". Implicitly, this word is associated with particular attention to be given to the materials presented: it is “precious”. Through his repeated experiments, the child refines his perception of the world and develops skills allowing him to take part in the life of a group. The educators are available to help the child in this process so that he becomes “master” of himself. They take care not to maintain a relationship of dependency. By soliciting the child within the limits of his skills, they place him in success. The educators intervene only if necessary through observation. The goal is the child's investment in the environment, being more autonomous and the gradual disappearance of the accompanying person.

A day with us

  • From 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., your child is welcomed by the educators. It is important to respect this schedule because after 8:30 am, the children are at work, accompanied by the educators. Any delayed arrival disturbs your child (no more adults at the reception) and the group.

  • From 8:30 am, each child is oriented towards a job corresponding to his interest. He can be given a job for the life of the class such as snacks, the preparation of bouquets of flowers… according to his needs. The educators take care to listen to the child to formulate appropriate proposals to meet his interests. Observation makes it possible not to disturb the attention of a child in the midst of the experiment and to offer help only if necessary. . The framework is established so that everyone is respected in their work. The adult ensures that the child goes to the end of his action. The child is recognized for his skills.

  • From 10:15 am, the child is invited to a group. Children being manipulated are not interrupted and join the group when ready. During this regrouping, the educator encourages each child to come forward during the call, the date of the day and the work on the weather. Information about class life can be exchanged.

  • Children in turn express themselves and thus learn to listen to themselves. A work can be proposed related to the theme. Each grouping ends with a study of children's literature. The aim is to enrich the literary culture of the child as well as understanding and expression skills while being attentive to transversality, a fundamental point of work within this environment. This work is linked to what the child can meet and experience within his environment.

  • From 10:30 am to 11:00 am, children are offered an outing for free play. Rituals are respected such as counting the children before going out (children count and are asked to memorize the number in order to check when they re-enter the premises that everyone has returned) as well as the rules of the exterior. Two children are responsible for the management of objects for the yard (handkerchiefs, bins, games). During this outing, the adult pays attention to conflict regulation by asking the child to find solutions.

  • From 11:00 am, everyone gets ready (coat, slippers) for the meal. The children wash their hands and everyone sets up their cutlery. During the meal, the educator takes care to create a transversality with the work carried out within the atmosphere: eating with his cutlery (forks and knife), vocabulary of food, colors and textures, noises (chewing of food), taste (sour, salty, sweet, bitter), smell, offer water, help yourself, ... It is a moment of intense work where all the skills required in the mornings are reinvested in order to create more meaning with the child. Children practice grace and courtesy (check that everyone is served…). Once the meal is finished, the children clear their cutlery and then go to brush their teeth after going to the toilet. These steps are essential and allow everyone to anticipate the arrival of the nap.

  • From 12:30 p.m., each is accompanied individually by the adult to their nap bed in order to establish a ritual. The adult is attentive to the expressions of the child in order to adapt his posture and provides help to those who express the need. He takes care to maintain a climate conducive to letting go of the child to fall asleep (temperature, brightness, limit back and forth, soft voice ...).

  • Around 3:00 p.m., each child gets up at their own pace and grooms with support if necessary. For those who are up early, they can take on a job if they wish within the mood while being careful not to disturb those who are sleeping.

  • Around 4:00 p.m., the adult offers a snack for the children. Fruits and dairy products are favored for the well-being of the child. After checking that all his belongings are put away, the child goes to the cloakroom to prepare for the arrival of his parents.

  • From 4.30 p.m., parents come to pick up their child outside if the weather permits. In case of rain, your child is to come and look for in his class. Each educator makes sure to talk to each parent and involve the child in the discussion in order to provide feedback on the day. The departure of the child with his parent is marked by verbalization with other children and educators.



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