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The Montessori atmosphere for 3-6 year olds

"The child has a mind capable of absorbing knowledge. It has the power to educate myself." Maria Montessori
Montessori for 3-6 year olds
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According to Maria Montessori, the child's mind is a sponge. From an early age, from his first experiences in the world, he is able to make predictions of a physical, social or linguistic nature on his entire environment, from the connections established.

Nature pushes the child to learn more and more, since each gap between the hypothesis and the sensory experience experienced leads to a feeling of incomprehension and a new surge of curiosity.

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Also the environment we have created promotes this learning:

- the child is active there and develops will and motivation

- the educators accompany and support the child in the organization of his knowledge through their presence and their observations

- various tools are provided to support the child during the different sensitive periods of specialization

It is by taking possession of his environment by the mind that he will form his future personality. In fact, our environment is carefully prepared to best meet its needs.

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During this period of life, the child builds the foundations of the future adult that he will be. In order to achieve peace education, we are working on the axes set by Maria Montessori such as:

  • repetition of activities. When children use the material at their disposal, they demonstrate a concentration that surprises adults.

  • autonomy of choice and work. The variety of material allows children to try everything with great freedom of use. Storage is done naturally after use, without constraint;

  • rejection of rewards

  • the notion of presence to oneself and to others

  • discipline

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The educator accompanies the child enthusiastically develops his mind. By adapting to each individual, it avoids provoking in them a disinterest in learning.

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A day with us
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  • 8 am-8:30am: Welcome

  • 8:30 am-9am: Installation of the concentration

  • 9 a.m.-11:15 a.m .: Continuation of work

  • 11:15 am-11:30am: Gathering (stories, rhymes), preparation for the meal

  • 11:30 am-12:30pm: Lunch

  • 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m .: Recess

  • 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m .: Working time

  • 4 pm-4:30pm: Gathering, routine and snack.

  • 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m .: Outing of students and handing over to parents

  • 5.30 p.m.-6.30 p.m .: Creative workshops

Our educational project
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The 3-6 year old child pursues his discovery of the world with the absorbing mind and the emergence of different sensitive periods. He will therefore be enriched by the knowledge present in his environment.

This is why we have so much material in our classes.

We also integrate the “academic” knowledge part requested by national education and also the knowledge needs in terms of interpersonal skills:

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  • Introduction to emotions: identify them, accept them and then express them with respect for others in order to free themselves from them

  • The duties and rights of a harmonious life in society

  • Anglophone bilingualism for openness to the world

  • Self-knowledge with yoga, dedicated games. Taking into account their needs, those of the other. Suggest that the children formulate clear messages using the “I”.

The activities are offered in accordance with the rhythm of each one, with an individualization in order to allow each child to discover his talents and his functioning in the learning.

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We integrate the discoveries of neuroscience into our pedagogy and make them known to parents in order to meet the natural needs of children. Specialists from outside the school can come at the parents' request for their own child if necessary.

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The afternoons are open to meetings involving parents, in their area of ​​expertise or their passion, but also professionals from the craft, sports, agricultural and cultural sectors. Outings will be scheduled as often as possible to meet other people in their living and working environment for 6-12 year olds.

The school also ensures that the common base of knowledge established by national education is integrated into our practices. We can cite the seven skills for kindergarten:

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* mastery of the French language

* the practice of a modern foreign language;

* the main elements of mathematics and scientific and technological culture;

* mastery of usual information and communication techniques

* humanist culture;

* social and civic skills;

* autonomy and initiative.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The educational project also integrates security needs, whether with the fire plan, attack or on a daily basis when traveling in the yard or within classes or during external trips.

Example of work in mathematics

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